ponedeljek, 17. oktober 2011

*OFF! #2

It was a really difficult to decide who was going with me to Venezuela. In the end, Giraffe and Fani decided that they would rather stay at home and take care of my studio. And Mr. Vinko is going with me! I love I that can pack my flip flops and swimsuit while it is so cold outside. A fabulous feeling! How about Vinko? He is just sitting calmly and waiting. As usual. 

While I am gone, Patsy products will be available in Lola shop and Meri Sarajlija shop (Ljubljana). You can also find them in Galerija re:gallery in Koper and in Galerija Majolka in Kamnik. 
trgovina LOLA
trgovina Meri Sarajlija

We'll be back soon! 
Until then, have fun and enjoy every minute of your Life!

sobota, 15. oktober 2011

Lupčka mu je dala!

Vinko je danes dobil nenapovedan obisk. Presenetila ga je čudovita in vsa sijoča gospodična Darilonca. Vam rečem, to je bila ljubezen na prvi pogled...

četrtek, 13. oktober 2011

Piali Ashar Alo

Lansko leto sem imela možnost obiskati Mojco in Anupa ter njuno šolo Piali Ashar Alo, ki se nahaja v vasici Piali ob obrobju Kolkate v Indiji. Obisk je bil nepozaben, iskrive očke malčkov pa me spremljajo skoraj vsak dan. Želja Anupa in Mojce je, da zgradita svojo šolo na že kupljeni zemlji in tako omogočita šolanje še več otrokom. V ta namen je Zavod LU izdelal koledar Otroci sveta s fotografijami Piali otrok in bo na voljo na prvem art[iSh] dogodku, ki se bo dogajal v podhodu Ajdovščina v prostorih Zavoda Sreda...

torek, 11. oktober 2011

Dadaya's world.

She is from Tokyo and her colorful berets, gloves and pompom scarves are AMAZING! I have to admit that me and my Giraffe are her secret admirers. Just look at her photos! Amazing work!

Check out her shop on Etsy ...

nedelja, 9. oktober 2011


A daydream is a meal at which images are eaten.  Some of us are gourmets, some gourmands, and a good many take their images precooked out of a can and swallow them down whole, absent-mindedly and with little relish.  ~ W.H. Auden