torek, 3. november 2015

Never change

Don't let people make you feel bad.
Or quilty.
For living your life.
It is you life.
Live it the way you want.

photo Erika Felicijan


If you aske me what is my biggest dissapointment in my life would say people. People whome I was treating as a closest friends, people whome I trusted completely, people for whome I would and did everything.
But this is life. What to do. Lectures are waiting for us behind every corner. And real friends will stay near me no matter what. No matter the distance. No matter how rich or poor I am. No matter how happy or miserable I am. Real friends will stand and walk with me for ever.
And thank you life for these lectures and thank you real Angels who are with me no matter what.

foto Erika Felicijan


Like wildflowers you must allow yourself to grow in all places people thought you never would.

photo Erika Felicijan


If there is no passion in your life then have you really lived?
Find your passion.
Become it.
And let it become you.
And you will find great things happen.
For you.
To you.
And because of you.

photo Erika Felicijan


The very same magic, the very same, that you used to get first job, to find a best friend, and to heal what hurt, and inspires your dreams, is the exact same "grade" of stuff that can make you most want today come to pass.

Point being: You've already engaged it. You've already commanded it. You've already done the impossible. So what's the big deal about doing it again?

Oh go on.
The Universe

photo Erika Felicijan

What is Life?

Life is not having and a getting.
But a being and a becoming.

photo Erika Felicijan


Be grateful to everyone.
Because everybody is creating a space for you.
To be transformed.
Even those who think they are obstructing you.
Even those whom you think are enemies.

photo Erika Felicijan


Universe hears.
Universe sees.
Universe gives.
Sometimes also takes.

photo Erika Felicijan


It's not how we make mistakes.
But how we correct them.
That defines us.

photo Erika Felicijan


Each moment there is a surprise.
Because each moment the gifts are coming.
All that is needed is eyes to see.
Ears to hear.
A heart fo feal.

photo Erika Felicijan

Never be sorry

And don't be sorry.

photo Erika Felicijan

My Secret

Here is my secret.
It is very simple.
One sees well only with the heart.
The essential is invisible to the eyes.
(The Little Prince)

photo Erika Felicijan

Close the Door

You build on failure.
You use it as a stepping stone.
Close the door on the past.
You don't try to forget the mistakes.
But you don't dwell on it.
You don't let it have any of your energy.
Or any of your time.
Or any of your space.
(Johny Cash)

photo Erika Felicijan

torek, 24. februar 2015


Čez dan sta njeno dvorišče preletavali 2 podgani. Tišina. Brez posebnega dogajanja. Po navadi tam sedijo ženske iz bližnjih vasi. Čakajoč hčerke, ki so prišle splavit. Posiljene. Po vsej verjetnosti. Še ne poročene in v tem stanju sramota za družino.

Ona je vaška zdravnica, ginekologinja, porodničarka. Vse.

Padel je mrak, v hiši tišina. Še elektrika je odšla za nekaj minut in okolica je potonila v temo. Le troblje mimo vozečih pošastnih kamionov je bilo slišati. Kak tuk tuk sem in tja. In odmeve mnogih ptic, ki domujejo tu blizu. Papige. Pavja družina. Črni irokezec z rdečo zadnjico.

Mirujem ob sijaju sveče. In na enkrat zaslišim škripanje ograje in železnih vrat. Glasovi moških in žensk. In otrok. Sklonim se čez ograjo balkona, pogledam proti njeni hiši. 2 ženski podpirata nosečnico, za njima še 4 glasne ženske z otroci, za njimi moški. Ona pride ven iz hiše, odklene skrivnostno sobo, ki se skriva za železnimi vrati. Nosečnico odpeljejo notri. Vrata se zapro, zunaj pa med spremljevalkami poteka burno zbiranje bankovcev. Za kasnejše plačilo.

Čakam, pripravljena na glasno ječanje ženske. A za železnimi vrati nobenega zvoka. Le čez nekaj minut oddaljen mil zvok malega bitjeca. Železna vrata se odpro, ven pride Ona. Ženske se lotijo čiščenja sobe z vodo. Še vedno nobenega zvoka. Kmalu zatem pa ven prinesejo malo štručko, zavito v blago. Za njo pa počasi in vidno utrujena prikoraka štručkina mati.

Vsega skupaj mogoče ena ura. Od njenega prihoda in odhoda.

Moč ženske.
In skrivnost življenja.