četrtek, 23. februar 2012

Happy times. In the land of Postcards.

With Mélie. Gael. Kermit the Frog. Tiger. Gonzo. Giraffe and Vinko. 
Unforgetable week.
And yes.
India. Conecting people.

Special visit from France. Kermit. The Frog.


Visiting Bled.

Having picknic in Tivoli park.

With new friend Tiger. In Cerknica.

Do not be affraid. Do not be affraid ...

Happy family in Bovec.

Kermit, Gonzo and Vinko in Kanin.

Ui Ui. Žu Žu. Wua. Wua.

Finaly. New house for Vinko.

Soča river ...

You know what? I/m happy.

sreda, 15. februar 2012

Just Enjoy.

Enjoy Your Life.
'Couse it's just yours.
And see the beauty around you.
Or at least.
Try to see it.
And try.
To feel it.

sobota, 11. februar 2012

A lesson.

I do believe that everything happens for a reason. 
And I do believe that some of the People that come into our Lives are there to teach us a Lesson.
Sometimes it's easy.
Sometimes it's not.
AnyWay, I am happy to be part of this.

petek, 10. februar 2012


Pred dnevi sem bila povabljena v domači HA HA! svet. Odlična čajanka. Nadsimpatična Milanka.

Ravno berem knjigo "Učenja oceana" Jerneja Rakuščka (BTW zelo priporočam). Notri sem zasledila tole misel: "Življenje nam govori skozi ljudi, ki jih srečamo na naši poti..." Kako zelo res! Nadhvaležna za vsa ta srečanja.

Portreta Mihe in Milanke.

Žive Milankine ilustracije.

Eno-uhi Van Gogh, ki mu lahko tudi zamenjaš glavo. LOVE IT!

V kuhinji mi je najprej padla v oko tole čudovito Milankino delo.

avtor ilustracij: Miha Perne

Jaz bi tudi tale kič!

Milankin zajček, ki jo spremlja tudi na ARTish-u.