Yoko Ono’s Cleaning Pieces
Write down a sad memory.
Put it in a box.
Burn the box and sprinkle the ashes in the field.
You may give some ashes
to a friend who shared the sadness.
Make a numbered list of sadness in your life.
Pile up stones corresponding to those numbers.
Add a stone, each time there is sadness.
Burn the list, and appreciate the mount of stones for its beauty.
Make a numbered list of happiness in your life.
Pile up stones corresponding to those numbers.
Add a stone, each time there is happiness.
Compare the mount of stones to the one of sadness.
Try to say nothing negative about anybody.
a) for three days
b) for forty-five days
c) for three months
See what happens to your life.
Write down everything you fear in life.
Burn it.
Pour herbal oil with a sweet scent on the ashes.
Let a list of arbitary names come into your mind as you go to sleep.
Say “bless you” after each name.
Do this with speed, by keeping a constant rythm,
so, in no way, you would hesitate to bless them.
(Source: arson-fella)
definitivno poskusim
OdgovoriIzbrišiobjem sonce
lp Andreja
Super ideja!!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSončno pomlad želim!
Pozdravček, Patsy, saj se me po moje ne boš spomnila (spraševala sem jeseni za pasove), ampak tule gor ti moram prav pustiti svoj od-tis. Hvala za te koščke, ki mi ne dajo miru odkar sem jih videla tule pri tebi. Hvala zanje. Vsak dan postajam bolj jaz. Res so mi zlezli pod srce in ... delujejo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrijazne tople dni ti želim. Pa en pobožek obema - Vinku in Žirafi. Pa tebi tudi (predvsem). Sabina2
O darling, tale naloga je pa precej težka (vsaj zame). se trudim a mi ne uspe. nisem obupala, a vseeno sem upala da mi bo uspelo hitreje. vendar zdaj vem, da ko mi to uspe bo narejen velikanski korak naprej.
OdgovoriIzbrišiObjem in uživaj kot ti je najljubše.